Friday, January 8, 2010

If You Can Read This, it Must be January

Ah, January. Time for the annual renewal of the blogs. I'm not alone; my Bloglines feed is more full than ever right now.

Life is change. Some things in my life are changing too fast and others not fast enough. I'll be focusing on the changes and the process of renewal.

Will there be crafts? Fear not! There will always be knitting. There may even be FOtos.

We'll see if I stick to it. Let me know what you think!



Fiber Chic said...

Hey! Hope you're still knitting, just busy with life, like I am. :)

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

I'm certain you once posted a comment on a page about artist's ice shanties, to the effect of "What? No TARDIS?" Well, I'm happy to report that I built a TARDIS ice-shanty for a contest, called "Where's the TARDIS?" I put mine on Lake Monona here in the Madison, WI area. Anyway, I'm trying to get votes (i.e "likes") for my entry, and if you and any of your friends like my effort, I hope you'll vote for it. It's at:

And it's made my family very happy. Thanks for your consideration!

- Brian (Madison Whovian)