Friday, May 23, 2008

In Which I Promote Someone Else's Blog...

... because, yes, there's something in it for me!

trek is running a quick weekend contest. Since I sub to trek casts on via Bloglines, I can win free yarn! (I typo'd it "yearn" at first - how appropriate is that?)

And since I'm posting about it here, I get a second entry. :D

And if one of you heads over to this post and lets trek know you came over from here, I get still another entry. Woot!

Lack of Progress Report

Well, it couldn't really be called a "progress report." Still working on the cuff of the second Tracks sock. It is a bit longer than last week. And that's all!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Not Feeling It

Quick update on some projects and then I'm off again.

What I'm calling the Tracks socks are one down, one to go.

I don't know if I blogged about it, but Katrina's scarf is in serious danger of being frogged for something simpler. Now that I have an idea of how far the yarn will go (farther than I thought), I think it will make a decent-size regular drop stitch scarf, and not the sloppy monstrosity it is.

Green Tomato sweater is cast on and has a good start. Haven't joined the neckline yet if that tells you how (not) far I am.

Just not feeling up to blogging right now. Off to read more Crazy Aunt Purl. She knows.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I Can Tell By Your Accent

Your Linguistic Profile:

50% General American English

20% Upper Midwestern

15% Yankee

5% Dixie

5% Midwestern

Michigan State Fair Entry Info

Entry forms are up at the Michigan State Fair website. You can follow this link to the page that has all the PDFs you will need to download in order to enter. You'll probably need the General Rules, Department 1 - Homemaking, Crafts and Hobbies for quilts and knitted or crocheted items, and the Entry Form. Have fun!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

I'm in Favor of LOLsects

Edited to add caption because Blogger likes to cut off the edge:

"Praeing mantis needs to prae harder."

humorous pictures
more cat pictures

I don't know why this cracked me up, but I laughed for several minutes.

Monday, May 5, 2008

We Have a Winner!

Ok, you're ALL winners to me! But, sadly, I cannot afford organic cotton for all of you. The Random Number Generator decided that the Random Last-Minute Belated Blogiversary/Earth Day Contest prize goes to Becky!

Becky, I sent you an email! Thank you to everyone who played along. The earth thanks you too!

In other news, no FOs last week, but we do have a WIP. Here is the sock I am working on.


The yarn is Knit Picks Essential in Blue Violet Multi. Taking the photo after sundown, which means the color is Not Right. It looks much better in real life.

Basic top-down construction on dpns. I was going to do a pair of plain socks but I got bored by the end of the ribbing and wanted at least a simple pattern to stave off ongoing boredom. It's a simple 9 stitch repeat as follows: ssk, yo, k5, yo, k2tog. Repeat for one round, then do a plain round.

You could probably do this with any number of stitches in your repeat. Just subtract 4 from your repeat number for the yos and decrease stitches, then knit the result as your plain stitches in the middle. Clear as mud? Here's an example with a 12-stitch repeat - ssk, yo, k8, yo, k2tog.

I know a lot of knitbloggers don't like flashing/pooling, but I actually like this. It's enough where it just looks like stripes to me, and I like how it breaks up around the heel/ankle. I am a little nervous about how it's blobbing up on the instep, but hoping it will work out. Trust the yarn.

Yes, I said I was working on 2-at-a-time on one really long circular. I am, but these are not those socks (duh). Trust me, you do NOT want to see those yet.